The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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TsrBasic, a Terminate and Stay Resident BASIC Interpreter
Version 2.0, Copyright 1990-1991 Anthony F. Stuart
1. Introduction
TsrBasic lets you write Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR)
programs in BASIC. It supports:
1) Pop up applications that are recalled with a
user defined hotkey sequence.
2) Background tasks that are recalled after a
specified period of time has elapsed.
3) Screen savers that are recalled after a specified
period of keyboard inactivity.
The entire interpreter can be recalled as well, giving you a
powerful programmable calculator at your fingertips.
TsrBasic simplifies BASIC programming by relaxing data type
checking restrictions. This means you do not have to use special
suffixes like $ and # to specify the type of data a variable will
hold. Any variable can hold any type of data, either textual or
numeric. Conversions are performed when necessary.
Structured programming is a snap with TsrBasic's IF/THEN/ELSE/
END IF statement, which supports multiline THEN and ELSE clauses
and nested IF's. The conventional form of the IF/THEN/ELSE
statement is supported as well.
TsrBasic's powerful screen handling functions let you select
video attributes, define text windows for input and output, and
save and restore portions of the screen. TsrBasic supports direct
video access for speed or ROM-BIOS/DOS mode for compatibility
with nonstandard video adapters.
TsrBasic lets you execute the contents of a character string so
that you can evaluate arithmetic expressions on the fly. You can
also use this feature to construct powerful user defined
TsrBasic compiles your program into intermediate code and
interprets the intermediate code. This results in fast and
efficient program execution. You can display the intermediate
code if you wish. TsrBasic also lets you convert your BASIC
program into an executable (.exe) file that can be invoked from
Version 2.0 of TsrBasic features even better video support,
including graphics, as well as many new and improved functions
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 1
and statements. If you are familiar with TsrBasic, version 1.0,
see the file named changes.doc on the distribution disk for more
information on the new features and bug fixes for version 2.0.
2. About this Document...
The remainder of this document provides you with the information
you need to know to take advantage of the special features of
TsrBasic. It is intended for people who have some experience with
the BASIC programming language. If you do not have any experience
with BASIC, you may wish to consult a more detailed book on
programming in BASIC before reading this document.
3. Variables and Arrays
TsrBasic variables consist of a letter followed by zero or more
letters, digits, underscores, periods, dollar signs, number
signs, percent signs or exclamation marks. Variable names are
case sensitive, e.g. LastName and lastname are two separate
Arrays must be declared using the DIM statement before they are
referenced. Arrays may have an arbitrary number of dimensions.
The extent of each dimension is from zero to the value(s)
specified in the DIM statement.
The TsrBasic SORT and SHIFT statements make working with arrays
easier and more efficient. The SORT statement sorts a one
dimensional array into ascending or descending order. The SHIFT
statement shifts the elements of an array up or down one or more
Arrays and variables must be initialized before they are used,
i.e. a value must be stored in the variable or array element
before it is read. Failure to do so will generate an
uninitialized variable error message. Note that PARSE,
SCREENSAVE, SCREENRESTORE and SUSPEND do not support storing into
an array.
4. Constants
Numeric constants may be written using any of the following
Page 2 TsrBasic Reference Manual
Format Example
------ -------
integer 42
decimal 3.14
exponential 314e-2
hexadecimal 0x1b
octal 033
TsrBasic boolean logical operations use zero for false and
nonzero (usually 1) for true.
String constants are written as sequences of characters enclosed
by double quotes. The closing double quote is required. A double
quote may be included in a character string by concatenating the
double quote character, chr(34), to it.
5. Operators
TsrBasic supports the standard set of BASIC operators, plus some
operators for doing bitwise operations on 16 bit quantities. The
following list of operators is organized from lowest precedence
to highest precedence. Operators of the same precedence are
evaluated from left to right.
Operator Precedence Description
and 1 logical and
or 1 logical or
= 2 equal
<> 2 not equal
< 2 less than
<= 2 less than or equal
> 2 greater than
>= 2 greater than or equal
- 3 subtract
+ 3 add (or concatenate
if strings)
* 4 multiply
/ 4 divide
mod 4 modulo
\ 4 integer divide
| 5 bitwise or (16 bits)
& 5 bitwise and (16 bits)
` 5 bitwise xor (16 bits)
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 3
~ 6 bitwise negate (16 bits)
- 6 arithmetic negate
not 6 logical negate
^ 7 power
The plus operator (+) performs addition if both operands are
numeric or concatenation if either operand is a string. This
means that you cannot use the plus operator to concatenate two
numbers. Use the CAT function for this purpose.
6. Editor and Environment
TsrBasic provides a simple interactive command mode that allows
you to enter and execute statements and commands. Program
statements are entered with line numbers, which must be in the
range 1-32767. Commands and immediate mode statements are entered
without line numbers. The backspace key can be used to delete the
last character entered. The escape key can be used to delete the
entire line.
Note: Type control-c to terminate a runaway TsrBasic program.
For more complex editing needs, the TsrBasic EDIT command can be
used to invoke an editor of your choice. The syntax of the EDIT
command is as follows:
edit [line-number-spec]
The EDIT command lets you use your favorite DOS editor to edit
the current program. Here's how it works:
TsrBasic writes the current file, or the part specified by
line-number-spec to a temporary file. It then invokes the editor
specified by the EDITOR environment variable on the temporary
file. After you exit the editor, TsrBasic loads (if no
line-number-spec was used) or merges (if a line-number-spec was
used) the temporary file. See your DOS reference manual for more
information on environment variables.
Because DOS is not reentrant, the EDIT command will not work when
you have recalled a suspended TsrBasic from the DOS shell. In
this case it will return a "DOS is busy" error. You can, however,
use the EDIT command when you have recalled TsrBasic from most
other applications, provided there is sufficient memory.
Note that no default editor is supplied with TsrBasic.
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7. Suspend Statement
The SUSPEND statement provides access to TsrBasic's terminate and
stay resident capabilities. Executing the SUSPEND statement will
cause TsrBasic to return to the environment from which it was
invoked. TsrBasic can be recalled by hotkey sequence, timer
expiration, or a period of keyboard inactivity, depending on
parameters specified in the SUSPEND statement. After recall,
TsrBasic executes the statement following the SUSPEND statement,
if one exists, or returns to command level.
The syntax for SUSPEND is:
suspend screen, key-code, key-flags, interval, inactivity, status
All parameters are optional. Parameters to the right of the one
you wish to specify may be omitted. The parameters have the
following functions and defaults:
screen - boolean, if true (1) save the contents of the
screen when the hotkey sequence is entered or the timer
interval expires so that the screen may be restored by
the next SUSPEND statement. The default is true.
key-code - keyboard scan code that, when combined with
the key-flags parameter, will recall the interpreter.
This key-code should be selected from the list of
keyboard scan codes in Appendix D. The default is 0x30
(the b key).
key-flags - keyboard flags for control, shift and alt
keys that, when combined with the key-code parameter,
will recall the interpreter. Possible values for the
keyboard flags are:
0x80 = insert on
0x40 = caps lock on
0x20 = num lock on
0x10 = scroll lock on
0x08 = alt key down
0x04 = control key down
0x02 = left shift down
0x01 = right shift down
These flags may be OR'd together, i.e. 0x02 | 0x04
represents shift+control, so that shift and control and
the key-code specified above must be held down
simultaneously to recall the interpreter. The default
is 0x06 (shift+control).
interval - amount of time, in clock ticks, to wait
before recalling the interpreter. This is used for
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 5
background tasks. Since there are approximately 18
clock ticks per second, multiply the number of seconds
you want to wait by 18 to get the interval. A value of
0 disables the interval timer and the interpreter is
recalled using the hotkey sequence (or keyboard timer,
if specified). The default is zero (disabled).
inactivity - amount of time, in clock ticks, to wait
after last keystroke is entered before recalling the
interpreter. This is used for screen savers. The
default is zero (disabled).
status - a variable which is used to hold an integer
value returned by SUSPEND. This variable is set to 0
if the program was recalled by the hotkey sequence, 1
if recalled by the interval timer and 2 if recalled by
the keyboard inactivity timer.
Note: the combined defaults for SUSPEND are:
suspend 1, 0x30, 0x06, 0, 0
So, if you enter SUSPEND without options, the interpreter will
suspend and you can return to it by entering ctrl-shift-b.
Here is a simple terminate and stay resident program that
executes in the background to print the time in the upper right
hand corner of the screen every second. Note how the status
argument is used to distinguish between timer and hotkey events:
100 print "Press ctrl-shift-b to terminate clock."
110 suspend 0, 0x30, 0x06, 18, 0, timer
120 if not timer then cls : end
130 display 0, 72, time()
140 goto 110
8. Lookup Function
Sometimes it is useful to be able to specify things like colors
by meaningful names, and other times it is useful to be able to
specify them by numbers. TsrBasic avoids this conflict by
providing a LOOKUP function to convert meaningful names to
The LOOKUP function can be used in instances where names are more
appropriate, such as:
100 foreground lookup ("red")
110 background lookup ("black")
120 print "The time is "; time()
Page 6 TsrBasic Reference Manual
and numbers can be used when they are more appropriate:
100 for i = 1 to 15
110 foreground i
120 print "This is color "; i
130 next i
The following table summarizes the names that LOOKUP can map to
black 0 hres2 6 fill 3
blue 1 text 7 or 0
green 2 herc 8 and 1
cyan 3 mres16 13 reset 2
red 4 hres16 14 set 3
magenta 5 eres2 15 xor 4
yellow 6 eres16 16 mda 1
white 7 vres2 17 cga 2
low 0 vres16 18 ega 4
high 8 mres256 19 vga 8
bw40 0 default -1 mga 16
co40 1 direct 0 hgc 32
bw80 2 bios 1
co80 3 dos 2
mres4 4 graphics 3
mres0 5 outline 2
The LOOKUP function provides name to number mapping for the
following statements:
background config mode
box foreground put
circle get type
color intensity
See the detailed description of the statement for more
information on the LOOKUP mappings that can be used.
9. Text Windows
The following TsrBasic statements and functions provide support
for TsrBasic text windows:
background foreground savescreen
blank getscreen scroll
border init type
column intensity winbottom
csroff locate winleft
csron page winright
csrbottom refresh wintop
csrtop restorescreen
display row
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 7
TsrBasic text windows are created using the WINBOTTOM, WINLEFT,
WINRIGHT and WINTOP statements to define the edges of the window.
Subsequent text input/output using the INPUT and PRINT statements
is directed to the window. The DISPLAY statement is used as an
alternative to PRINT to display text anywhere on the screen.
The LOCATE statement positions the cursor relative to the top
left corner of the current window. Absolute cursor positioning is
accomplished using the COLUMN and ROW statements.
The BORDER statement draws a border around the window.
The FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND statements set the foreground and
background colors for text output. Colors are represented by
numbers in the range 0 to 7. The LOOKUP function can be used to
convert the following color names into color numbers:
0 - black 4 - red
1 - blue 5 - magenta
2 - green 6 - yellow
3 - cyan 7 - white
Note that the range of colors that can be displayed depends on
the video adapter in your PC.
The INTENSITY statement selects the brightness of text
characters. Intensity is specified as either 0 or 1. The LOOKUP
function can be used to convert the following intensity names
into intensity numbers:
0 - low
8 - high
The contents of the current text window are saved into a TsrBasic
variable using the SAVESCREEN statement and restored using the
The CSRBOTTOM and CSRTOP statements set the size and shape of the
cursor. Each character position on the screen is composed of a
number of video scan lines. The number of scan lines depends on
the video adapter. The scan lines are numbered top down and range
from 0 to 6 for cga adapters and from 0 to 13 for other adapters.
If CSRTOP is set to 0 and CSRBOTTOM is set to the last scan line
in the cell (say 13 for an ega adapter) then the cursor will
occupy the whole cell. The CSROFF and CSRON statements can be
used to turn the cursor off (i.e. hide it) or back on.
The TYPE statement selects the output mode for text. It is
normally set to direct mode (0) for fast output. Other options
are 1 for BIOS access, 2 for BIOS/DOS access, and 3 for text in
graphics mode. The default is 0. Use 1 if you have any video
Page 8 TsrBasic Reference Manual
problems with 0, use 2 if you want to redirect output using DOS
redirection capability. Use 3 for mixed text and graphics in
graphics modes (see MODE). The LOOKUP function can be used to map
the following type names to numbers:
0 - direct
1 - bios
2 - dos
3 - graphics
10. Graphics
TsrBasic provides graphics support for CGA, EGA, VGA and Hercules
compatible video adapters. The following statements and functions
provide support for TsrBasic graphics:
box fill mode
circle get moveto
clip lineto pixel
color mapload put
config mapsave
The MODE statement selects a graphics mode. The set of graphics
modes you may use is dependent on the type of video adapter that
is installed in your PC. The graphics mode is specified as an
integer number in the range -1 to 19. The LOOKUP function can be
used to convert a mode name into a mode number. The following
modes are supported:
Name Number Res Type Colors Adapter
bw40 0 40x25 text 16 gray cga,ega,vga
co40 1 40x25 text 16/8 color cga,ega,vga
bw80 2 80x25 text 16 gray cga,ega,vga
co80 3 80x25 text 16/8 color cga,ega,vga
mres4 4 320x200 graph 4 color cga,ega,vga
mres0 5 320x200 graph 4 gray cga,ega,vga
hres2 6 640x200 graph 2 bw cga,ega,vga
text 7 80x25 text 2 bw mda,hgc
hgc 8 720x348 graph 2 bw hgc
mres16 13 320x200 graph 16 color ega,vga
hres16 14 640x200 graph 16 color ega,vga
eres2 15 640x350 graph 2 bw ega, vga
eres16 16 640x350 graph 16 color ega, vga
vres2 17 640x480 graph 2 bw vga
vres16 18 640x480 graph 16 color vga
mres256 19 320x200 graph 256 color vga
In addition, the following mode is defined to let you exit
graphics mode and return to the default mode:
default -1 n/a n/a n/a n/a all
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 9
You can determine the type of video adapter that is installed in
your PC, along with the x and y resolution, the number of colors,
and the current mode by using the CONFIG statement. The syntax
config xpix, ypix, colors, adapter, mode
where xpix, ypix, colors, adapter and mode are variables. Xpix,
ypix and colors are the number of x pixels, y pixels and colors,
respectively, for the current mode. Adapter is the type of video
adapter and is one of the following:
1 mda (monochrome display adapter)
2 cga (color graphics adapter)
4 ega (enhanced graphics adapter)
8 vga (video gate array)
16 mga (multicolor graphics array)
32 hgc (hercules graphics card)
The graphics coordinate system is layed out like the text
coordinate system with the origin (0,0) at the top left corner of
the screen. The bottom right corner varies, depending on the
graphics mode. In mode 14, for example, the bottom right corner
is 639, 199.
If you want to display text and graphics on the same screen you
must use the TYPE statement to select the text in graphics mode
(type 3). After you exit graphics mode set the text type back to
0 for improved performance.
The foreground and background colors for TsrBasic graphics modes
are specified using the COLOR statement. Graphics colors are
independent of text colors. Colors are represented by numbers in
the range 0 to 15. The LOOKUP function can be used to convert a
color name into a color number as described in the section on
text windows.
The BOX and CIRCLE statements draw boxes and circles using a
"bounding" rectangle which describes the top left and bottom
right corners of the image. These statements also take an
argument that controls whether the image is to be filled or not.
The LOOKUP function can be used to map these control names to
numbers. The following control names are supported by the lookup
2 - outline
3 - fill
Graphics images can be transferred from the screen to memory
using the GET statement and from memory to the screen using the
PUT statement. They can also be transferred from memory to a file
Page 10 TsrBasic Reference Manual
in bitmap form using the MAPSAVE statement and transferred from a
file to memory using the MAPLOAD statement.
The PUT statement uses a control parameter to describe the method
for adding the image to the screen. The lookup function can be
used to map the following control names to numbers:
name number effect
or 0 superimpose image
and 1 intersection of images
reset 2 negative of image
set 3 normal image
xor 4 invert image
The xor control value can be used twice in succession to add and
remove objects without modifying the background. This is useful
for animation.
TsrBasic conserves DOS memory by using a graphics dynamic link
library (DLL) for graphics operations. This library is loaded
automatically when necessary and is freed when you exit graphics
mode using the mode -1 (default) statement. The graphics library
requires about 40 kb of memory. If you do not have at least 40 kb
of free memory you will not be able to load the graphics library
or do graphics operations.
The image transfer statements allocate memory for the bitmap
directly from DOS. Note that multi-color high resolution images
produce large bitmaps and require larges amounts of memory. A
320x200 16 color bitmap requires about 64 kb. A 640x486 16 color
bitmap takes up more memory than you are likely to have in your
PC and will therefore need to be transferred in pieces (to
separate files), using multiple GET/MAPSAVE statements.
The memory for image bitmaps is automatically freed when you exit
graphics mode with the mode -1 (default) statement. It may also
be explicitly freed by using PUT 0,0,0,0 to save a zero length
If you have a Hercules compatible video adapter you will need to
execute MSHERC.EXE from DOS prior to entering graphics mode.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 11
11. String Handling
TsrBasic supports the usual set of BASIC string handling
functions, as well as PARSE, STRINS and STROVR, which are
specific to TsrBasic. The following list summarizes the string
handling functions available with TsrBasic:
asc left space
cat len strins
chr mid strovr
copy parse
instr right
11.1 Parse Function
The PARSE function breaks a string into pieces called tokens. The
syntax of the PARSE function is as follows:
parse (buffer,literals,connectors,discards,delimiters,specials)
buffer - string to parse
literals - grouping characters to discard
connectors - grouping characters to save
discards - leading characters to discard
delimiters - delimiters to discard
specials - delimiters to save
The buffer parameter is a variable containing the string to be
parsed. The PARSE function splits a token off the front end of
the buffer and returns it as the function value. The resulting
string, less the first token, is returned via the buffer
parameter. The returned buffer will be equal to the null string
when all the tokens have been parsed from it. The buffer
parameter should not be an array reference.
The parameters represented by literals, connectors, discards,
delimiters and specials control the way the parsing is performed.
Each parameter is a character string or variable containing one
or more characters.
The default for literals is double and single quote. The default
for discards is space and tab. The default for delimiters is
comma. The default for all other parameters is the null string.
These defaults give PARSE a default behavior equivalent to the
processing done by the INPUT statement.
All parameters except for buffer are optional. Parameters to the
right of the one you wish to specify may be omitted. Here is an
after executing the following:
Page 12 TsrBasic Reference Manual
a = "one, two, three"
b = parse (a)
c = parse (a)
d = parse (a)
a is equal to "one"
b is equal to "two"
c is equal to "three"
Literals and connectors are used to quote sequences of characters
so they are not affected by other parse actions. The difference
between literals and connectors is that characters in the list of
literals are not returned as part of the token whereas characters
from the list of connectors are. Note the difference in the
following example, where single quote is used first as a literal
and then as a connector:
after executing the following:
a = "'hello world'"
b = parse (a, "'")
a = "'hello world'"
c = parse (a, "", "'")
b is equal to "hello world"
c is equal to "'hello world'"
Discards are a list of characters to strip from the beginning of
the token. They are normally used to strip preceding spaces or
Delimiters and Specials are characters that mark the end of a
token. The difference between them is that delimiters are not
returned as part of the token whereas specials are returned as
the next token. Here is an example:
after executing the following:
a = "execute 3 + 4 * 5"
b = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
c = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
d = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
e = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
f = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
g = parse (a, "", "", "", " ", "+*")
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 13
b is equal to execute
c is equal to 3
d is equal to +
e is equal to 4
f is equal to *
g is equal to 5
The PARSE function is well suited to being used in a loop to
initialize an array of tokens, as follows:
100 tokcnt = 0
110 dim token(30)
120 print "enter text: ";
130 line input text
140 if text = "" then goto 180
150 token(tokcnt) = parse (text)
160 tokcnt = tokcnt + 1
170 goto 140
180 print "done"
11.2 Strins Function
The STRINS function inserts a string into the middle of another
string. Here is its syntax:
newstr = strins (oldstr, start, midstr)
The string represented by midstr is inserted into oldstr starting
at an offset of start into oldstr to produce newstr. For example:
after executing the following:
oldstr = "advance"
midstr = "THANKS"
newstr = strins (oldstr, 4, midstr)
newstr is equal to "advTHANKSance"
11.3 Strovr Function
The STROVR function overlays a string onto the middle of another
string. Here is the syntax for STROVR:
newstr = strovr (oldstr, start, midstr)
The string represented by midstr is overlayed onto oldstr
starting at an offset of start into oldstr to produce newstr, as
Page 14 TsrBasic Reference Manual
after executing the following:
oldstr = "The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog"
midstr = "cat"
newstr = strovr (oldstr, 11, midstr)
newstr is equal to "The quick cat jumps over the lazy dog"
This function is roughly equivalent to the MID statement in other
versions of BASIC.
12. File Operations
TsrBasic supports simple file operations on standard ASCII files.
The following operations are supported:
access input print
close line input tab
eof open
The OPEN statement opens a file. The mode parameter describes the
access mode for the file. Possible values of mode are:
"r" open existing file for reading
"w" truncate or create for writing
"a" write to end of existing file
"r+" open existing file for reading and writing
"w+" truncate or create new file for reading and writing
"a+" allow reading and writing at end of file
Append "b" to any of the above modes to access the file in binary
mode. This prevents carriage return/newline and control-z
13. Execute Statement
The EXECUTE statement translates and executes its single string
expression argument. This argument can be either a TsrBasic
statement-list or a command. Here is an example of how it can be
used to implement a simple calculator:
100 print "enter expression: ";
110 line input expression
120 if expression = "quit" then end
130 execute "print " + expression
140 goto 100
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 15
14. If Statement
The TsrBasic IF statement takes two forms. One is the
if expression then statement-list [else statement-list]
where statement-list is a list of colon separated statements.
The other form of the TsrBasic IF statement is designed to
simplify structured programming. It is coded as follows:
if expression
end if
Any number of lines of statement-lists can appear in the THEN and
ELSE clauses, and they may include nested IF statements. The only
requirement for this form of the IF statement is that the THEN,
ELSE and END IF keywords appear on separate lines. Note that the
ELSE clause is optional.
15. Link Command
The LINK command links the TsrBasic interpreter with the current
program to create a DOS executable file. The TsrBasic program can
then be invoked just like any other DOS program. It can even get
access to command line arguments using the ARGC and ARGV
functions. Here is an example of a simple program that will get
the name of a file from the DOS command line and list it to the
console. See the description of file operations in section 12 for
more information.
Page 16 TsrBasic Reference Manual
100 if argc() <> 1
110 then
120 print "usage: list <file>"
130 end
140 end if
150 open #1, "r", argv (1)
160 if not eof (1)
170 then
180 line input #1, buf
190 print buf
200 goto 160
210 end if
220 close #1
This program can be converted into an executable file using the
LINK command. The resulting .exe file can then be executed from
the DOS command line with a single argument specifying a file to
Note: the LINK command writes the current settings of the command
line options for data area, program and symbol table size to the
.exe file. These sizes do not need to be specified again when the
resulting .exe file is executed.
16. Command Line Options
TsrBasic supports the following command line options. Note that
they are case sensitive and must be specified using lower case.
tsrbasic [-d<n>] [-p<n>] [-s<n>] [files]
The -d<n> option defines the amount of storage allocated for the
data defined in DATA statements. The <n> parameter specifies the
number of data elements that can be defined in your program. The
default is -d100, which provides storage for 100 elements.
Increase this parameter if you see a "Too many data items" error
The -p<n> option defines the amount of storage allocated for the
intermediate code program. The <n> parameter is specified in
units of intermediate code instructions. The default is -p750
which represents 750 intermediate code instructions and is
roughly equivalent to 300 lines of TsrBasic source code. Increase
this parameter if you see a "Program too long" error message.
The -s<n> option defines the amount of storage allocated for the
symbol table. The <n> parameter specifies the maximum number of
symbols. A symbol table entry is required for each variable,
array and literal, including those defined in immediate mode. The
default is -s150. Increase this parameter if you see a "Too many
symbols" error message.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 17
One or more TsrBasic source files can be specified on the command
line. These files are processed in the order they are specified.
In order to be executed, a file must have a RUN command in it.
The interactive command processor is entered after the last file
is processed.
17. Error Handling
TsrBasic errors fall into two categories: compilation errors and
runtime errors.
Compilation errors reflect errors in your source code that must
be corrected before the program can be executed. The most common
compilation error is "syntax error." If you get a syntax error,
and the cause of the error is not immediately obvious, look very
carefully at the statement and compare the syntax you specified
to that which is listed in the summary of statements and
functions. Be especially careful to check for invalid or missing
Runtime errors are errors that could not be detected at
compilation time, like "Cannot open file." They may be trapped
using an ON ERROR GOTO statement. The ERL, ERR and ERM functions
can be used within an error handler to identify the line number
on which the error occured as well as the error code and the
error message text. An error handler can use the RESUME statement
to retry the statement that caused the error, return control to
the statement following the line that caused the error, or return
control to some other location.
See Appendix C for a complete list of error codes and messages.
18. Using Keyboard Scan Codes
When you press a key on the keyboard, the keyboard sends a scan
code to the CPU indicating the key that was pressed. These scan
codes are usually translated into characters to be used by your
program. Several TsrBasic statements deal directly with raw scan
The SUSPEND statement, for instance, uses a scan code value to
specify the hotkey that is used to recall the interpreter. The
scan code values are taken from the list in Appendix D.
The GETKEY and INKEY functions both return combinations of
scancodes and characters. The return value consists of two bytes.
The high order byte is the scan code and the low order byte is
the character value, or zero for keys that do not have character
values, such as function keys. To get the high order byte, or
Page 18 TsrBasic Reference Manual
scan code, right shift the returned value by 8 bits. This is
equivalent to integer division by 2^8 or 256:
scan_code = inkey () \ 256
To get the low order byte, or character value, zero the high
order byte by ANDing with 0xff or 255:
char_code = inkey () & 255
The following TsrBasic program will tell you the scan code and
character associated with any key:
100 print "Enter key, or q to stop";
110 key = getkey ()
120 scan_code = key \ 256
130 char_code = key & 0xff
140 print
150 print "scan code = "; scan_code
160 print "char code = "; char_code;
170 print " ("; chr (char_code); ")"
180 if char_code <> asc ("q") then goto 100
Note that control-c will not terminate a program that is using
GETKEY to read a scancode. Instead, GETKEY will return the
scancode for control-c.
Appendix A. Summary of Statements and Functions
A TsrBasic program is made up of statements and functions. When
the RUN command is entered, the statements and functions are
compiled into intermediate code and then executed. Commands
differ from statements in that they are not compiled into
intermediate code.
Statements can be entered without a line number, in which case
they are executed immediately, or with a line number, in which
case they are stored as part of the current program. Multiple
statements can be entered on a single line, separated by colons.
Functions return values. They are passed an argument list
consisting of zero or more expressions, separated by commas.
Statements, functions and commands in TsrBasic are not case
sensitive. They may be entered in any combination of lower and
upper case.
In the following summary, functions are indicated by an equal
n = abs (m)
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 19
and statements are indicated merely by the presence of the
statement name:
Some TsrBasic keywords can be referenced as both statements and
functions to get and/or set values. Keywords that can be used as
both statements and functions have syntax specifications for each
The following summary uses the letter b to represent boolean
values, the letters n and m to represent integers, the letters r,
s and t to represent strings and the letters x and y to represent
real numbers. Values are converted to the appropriate type when
Note: The trigonometric functions expect arguments expressed in
radians. To convert degrees to radians, multiply by pi/180.
y = abs(x)
Return absolute value of x.
b = access(s)
Return true if file s exists.
n = argc()
Return number of arguments on dos command line.
s = argv(n)
Return argument number n from dos command line.
n = asc(s)
Return ascii code of first character of s.
y = atn(x)
Return arctangent of x, where x is in radians.
background n
Set background color for subsequent text output to n. Use
the lookup function to map color names to numbers. Use the
refresh statement to make the color change occur
s = background ([n])
Return current text background color, optionally set new
background color to n.
Generate tone through speaker.
Clear entire screen, differs from cls in that cls clears
just the current text window.
Page 20 TsrBasic Reference Manual
Shrink the text area of the window by one row or column on
each side and draw a border around it.
box x1, y1, x2, y2, f
Draw a box with top left corner at x1, y1 and bottom right
corner at x2, y2. Outline the box if f is 2 and fill the box
if f is 3. The lookup function may be used to map "outline"
and "fill" to 2 and 3. Available in graphics mode only.
s = cat(t[,u...])
Return the concatenation of strings t, u, etc, see also: +.
chain s
Load file specified by s and run it, see also: common.
s = chr(n)
Return the character equivalent for ascii code n.
n = cint(x)
Return x rounded up to next integer.
circle x1, y1, x2, y2, f
Draw a circle within the bounding rectangle specified by a
top left corner at x1, y1 and a bottom right corner at x2,
y2. Outline the circle if f is 2 and fill the circle if f is
3. The lookup function may be used to map "outline" and
"fill" to 2 and 3. Available in graphics mode only.
clip x1, y1, x2, y2
Define a graphics view port with a top left corner at x1, y1
and a bottom right corner at x2, y2. Subsequent graphics
output beyond this rectangle will be clipped. Available in
graphics mode only.
close #n
Close file opened with file number n, see also: open, input,
Clear current text window, see also: blank.
color n, m
Set graphics foreground color to n and background color to
m. The graphics color is maintained independently of the
text color. The lookup function may be used to map color
names to color numbers. Available in graphics mode only.
column n
Move cursor to absolute column n, where the leftmost column
is 0 and the rightmost column is usually 79. See also
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 21
locate, which positions the cursor relative to the origin of
the current text window.
n = column ([m])
Return current cursor column, optionally moving cursor to
column m.
common variable [,variable]...
Define common variables for chained programs, see also:
config xpix, ypix, colors, adapter, mode
Get the current graphics configuration.
Continue program execution after stop, see also: stop.
s = copy(t,n)
Return a string consisting of n copies of t.
y = cos(x)
Return the cosine of x, where x is in radians.
Turn the cursor off.
Turn the cursor on and set it to a default size.
csrbottom n
Change the size of the cursor by setting the bottom of the
cursor to scan line number n. Must be 0 to 6 for cga and 0
to 12 for ega. The bottom scan line should be numerically
greater than the top scan line.
n = csrbottom ([m])
Get the current bottom scan line of the cursor, and
optionally set it to scan line m.
csrtop n
Change the size of the cursor by setting the top of the
cursor to scan line number n. Must be 0 to 6 for cga and 0
to 12 for ega. The top scan line should be numerically less
than the top scan line.
n = csrtop ([m])
Get the current top scan line of the cursor, and optionally
set it to scan line m.
s = date()
Return the current date in mm:dd:yy format.
Page 22 TsrBasic Reference Manual
data value [,value]...
Define numeric and string values, see also: read.
m = dec(n)
Return the decimal equivalent of hex or octal n, see also:
hex, oct.
dim array(n[,n]...) [,array(n[,n]...)]...
Define array with index zero to n, see also: erase, shift,
display n,m,s
Display string s at absolute row n and column m, without
moving the cursor.
Terminate program execution.
s = environ(t)
Return value of environment variable t.
b = eof(n)
Return true if end of file reached on file n.
erase array [,array]..
Free array, see also: dim.
n = erl()
Return line number on which error occurred. Valid in error
handler only. See also: erm, err, on error.
s = erm()
Return error message associated with error. Valid in error
handler only. See also erl, err, on error.
n = err()
Return error number associated with error. Valid in error
handler only. See also erl, erm, on error.
error n
Simulate occurrence of error n, see also: on error, resume.
execute s
Execute string expression s as a TsrBasic statement.
y = exp(x)
Return natural log (e) to the power of x.
fill x1, y1, n
Fill the graphics image that has border color n and
surrounds the point x1, y1. Use lookup to map color names to
numbers. Available in graphics mode only.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 23
n = fix(x)
Return x truncated to an integer.
n = fre()
Return amount of free TsrBasic memory in bytes.
for variable = expression to expression [step expression]
For...next loop, see also: next.
foreground c
Set foreground color for subsequent text output to n. Use
the lookup function to map color names to numbers. Use the
refresh statement to make the color change occur
d = foreground ([c])
Return current text foreground color, optionally set new
foreground color to c.
get x1, y1, x2, y2
Transfer a graphics image from the screen to memory. The
image is bounded by a rectangle with a top left corner of
x1, y1, and a bottom right corner of x2, y2. The image may
then be transferred to a file using mapsave or back to the
screen using put. Available in graphics mode only.
n = getkey ()
Wait for a key to be entered and return the scan code. See
Appendix D for more information on scan codes.
n = getscreen ()
Return the attributes and ascii code of the character at the
current cursor position. The attributes are returned in the
high order byte and the ascii code is returned in the low
order byte.
goto n
Goto line number n, also valid in immediate mode after run.
gosub n
Call subroutine at line number n, see also: return.
m = hex(n)
Return hexadecimal equivalent of decimal or octal n. See
also: dec, oct.
if expression then statement-list [else statement-list]
If...then...else statement, see detailed description.
Set current text window and cursor to default size and
color. In the normal text video mode there are 25 rows and
Page 24 TsrBasic Reference Manual
80 columns. The top-left corner is 0, 0 and the bottom right
corner is 24, 79.
n = inkey()
Return scan code if key entered else zero, see detailed
description of scan codes.
m = inp(n)
Return byte read from hardware port n.
input [#file-number] variable [,variable]...
Input one or more items into variables, see also: line
input, parse.
s = instr([n,]r,t)
Return first occurrence of s in r optionally starting at n.
n = int(x)
Return x truncated to an integer and rounded down if
intensity n
Set text intensity (brightness) attribute to n. Use lookup
function to map intensity names "low" and "high" to
intensity numbers 0 and 8.
s = left(t,n)
Return leftmost n characters of s.
n = len(s)
Return number of characters in s.
[let] variable = expression
Assign expression to variable or array.
line input [#file-number] variable
Input an entire line of text into a variable or array.
lineto x1, y1
Draw a line in the current graphics color to point x1, y1.
Valid only in graphics mode. See also: mode, moveto.
locate n, m
Set cursor to row n and column m relative to the current
text window (0,0 is top left). See also: screen.
mapload n
Load a graphics image bitmap, previously saved by mapsave,
from file IMAGE.n where n is a number. The bitmap may then
be transferred to the screen using put.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 25
mapsave n
Save a graphics image bitmap to file IMAGE.n where n is a
number. The bitmap must have previously been transferred
from the screen to memory using get.
mode n
Set video/graphics mode to n. See detailed description of
graphics modes for more information.
moveto x1, y1
Move to point x1, y1 for subsequent graphics output. Valid
only in graphics mode. See also: mode, lineto.
next variable
For...next loop, see also: for
y = log(x)
Return natural logarithm of x.
s = mid(t,n[,m])
Return m characters from t starting at n, return remainder
of string t if m is omitted.
m = oct(n)
Return octal equivalent of decimal or hexadecimal n. See
also: dec, hex.
on error goto n
Call error handler at line number n. Return from it with
resume. See also: erl, erm, err.
open #n, s, t
Open file with access mode s and pathname t, and associate
it with file number n. See detailed description for
information on access modes.
out port, expression
Output integer byte value to port, see also: inp.
page n
Set current video text page for video adapters capable of
supporting multiple text pages.
n = page ([m])
Get the current video text page and optionally set it to
page m.
s = parse(t[,v...])
Return a token parsed from t, see detailed description.
i = peek(j,k)
Return byte located at segment j, offset k.
Page 26 TsrBasic Reference Manual
pixel x1, y1
Turn on graphics pixel at point x1, y1. Available only in
graphics mode.
poke segment, offset, expression
Set byte at segment and offset to integer value, see also:
print [#n] expression [, or ; expression]...
Print to file number n or console, semicolon causes print
items to be adjacent, comma causes them to be separated by
put x1, y1, n
Transfer a graphics image from memory to the screen. The
image must have previously been captured using get, or read
from a disk file using mapload. The top left corner is put
at x1, y1 and the control argument n describes how the image
is transferred to the screen. See the detailed description
of graphics for more information.
Seed random number generator.
read variable [,variable]...
Read values into variables or arrays, see also: data,
Refresh the text screen. This can be used after the
foreground and background statements to change the color of
text that is already on the screen.
Remark, i.e. this line is a comment, equivalent to single
Restore data list to beginning, see also: data, read.
restorescreen s
Restore screen contents to previous value, see savescreen.
In addition to restoring the contents of the screen, this
statement also restores the text window dimensions that were
in effect when the corresponding savescreen was executed.
Return from error handler and retry statement that caused
error. See also: on error.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 27
resume n
Return from error handler to line-number n. See also: on
resume next
Return from error handler to statement following the one
that caused the error. See also: on error.
Return from subroutine entered via gosub.
row n
Move cursor to absolute row n, where the top row is 0 and
the bottom row is usually 24. See also locate, which
positions the cursor relative to the origin of the current
text window.
n = row ([m])
Return current cursor row and optionally move cursor to row
s = right(t,n)
Return rightmost n characters of t.
m = rnd([n])
Return random number, optionally based on seed n.
savescreen s
Save screen contents in variable s for a subsequent
restorescreen. This function saves the text window defined
using the wintop, winleft, winbottom and winright
statements. To save the entire screen, use the init
statement first to set the text window size back to the
entire screen.
screen "command", parameters
Not supported in Version 2.0. See setailed description of
text windows for alternate statements and functions.
scroll n
Scroll screen up n rows if n is positive or down n rows if
rows is negative.
m = sgn(x)
Return -1 if x is negative, 0 if x is 0, +1 if x is
shell s
Pass string expression s to DOS shell to execute as a
command. Because DOS is not reentrant, this statement will
not work when you have recalled a suspended TsrBasic session
from the DOS shell. In this case it will return a "DOS is
Page 28 TsrBasic Reference Manual
busy" error. You can, however, use the SHELL statement when
you have recalled TsrBasic from most other applications,
provided there is sufficient memory.
shift a, n
Shift one dimensional array a by n elements. If n is
negative elements are shifted down and extra elements are
discarded from the low end. If n is positive then elements
are shifted up and extra elements are discarded from the
high end.
y = sin(x)
Return sine of x, where x is in radians.
sort a, n
Sort one dimensional array a into ascending order if n is
positive and into descending order if n is negative.
sound frequency, duration
Generate tone, use a frequency of zero for a delay.
s = space(n)
Return string of n spaces, see also: copy
y = sqr(x)
Return square root of x.
Stop execution. Useful for debugging. See also: cont.
suspend screen, key-code, key-flags, interval, status
Terminate and stay resident. See detailed description of
suspend statement for more information.
swap variable-a, variable-b
Swap the contents of variable-a and variable-b.
Position cursor to column n (as print argument only).
y = tan(x)
Return tangent of x, where x is in radians.
s = time()
Return current time in hh:mm:ss format.
Disable statement tracing.
Enable statement tracing.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 29
type n
Set type of video access to n, where n is 0 for direct
(fast) access, 1 for BIOS access, 2 for BIOS/DOS access, and
3 for text in graphics mode. The default is 0. Use 1 if you
have any video problems with 0, use 2 if you want to
redirect output using DOS redirection capability. Use 3 for
mixed text and graphics in graphics modes (see mode).
winbottom n
Set the bottom row of the text window to n, where n is in
the range of 0 (top) to 24 (bottom). See detailed
description of text windows for more information.
n = winbottom ([m])
Return the current bottom row of the text window and
optionally set it to m.
winleft n
Set the left column of the text window to n, where n is in
the range of 0 (left) to 79 (right).
n = winleft ([m])
Return the current left column of the text window and
optionally set it to m.
winright n
Set the right column of the text window to n, where n is in
the range of 0 (left) to 79 (right).
n = winright ([m])
Return the current right column of the text window and
optionally set it to m.
wintop n
Set the top row of the text window to n, where n is in the
range of 0 (top) to 24 (bottom).
n = wintop ([m])
Return the current top row of the text window and optionally
set it to m.
Appendix B. Summary of Commands
Commands are usually entered without a line number and
are executed immediately. They may, however, be included in
programs if they are passed as arguments to the EXECUTE
statement. In this case, they are processed when the EXECUTE
statement is executed.
Page 30 TsrBasic Reference Manual
In the following list of commands, the phrase line-number-spec
refers to an optional specification of line numbers. The
specification may take the following forms:
- all lines
n line n
n- line n through end
n-m line n through m
-n beginning through n
If the specification is omitted, all lines are processed.
Free all variables.
chdir pathname
Make pathname the current directory.
delete [line-number-spec]
Delete lines from current program, use caution when entering
this command without a line-number-spec, because it will
delete the entire program.
dis [line-number-spec]
Disassemble intermediate code.
edit [line-number-spec]
Invoke editor specified by EDITOR environment variable on
kill pathname
Delete file specified by pathname.
link pathname
Translate current program into an executable called
list [line-number-spec]
List current program
load pathname
Clear current program and load new program, default
extension is ".bas". Append a period if the filename does
not have an extension.
merge pathname
Merge new program with current program.
mkdir pathname
Create a directory specified by pathname.
Erase the current program.
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 31
Terminate TsrBasic and unload from memory if resident.
renum new-first-line line-increment
Renumber current program.
rmdir pathname
Remove directory specified by pathname.
run [line-number]
Execute current program, optionally starting at line-number.
save pathname
Save current program to file specified by pathname, default
extension is ".bas". Append a period if you do not want the
filename to have an extension.
Appendix C. Error Codes and Messages
The following list describes TsrBasic error codes and messages:
Code Message
0 Internal error
1 Syntax error
2 Uninitialized variable
3 Missing left paren
4 Missing right paren
5 Missing comma or right paren
6 Missing factor
7 Expression too complex
8 Too many symbols
9 Program too long
10 Too many nested calls
11 Too many nested GOSUB's
12 RETURN without GOSUB
13 Duplicate definition
14 Invalid subscript
15 Too many data items
16 Out of data
17 FOR loops nested too deep
18 Missing NEXT
19 Missing FOR
20 Cannot open file
21 File not open
22 File in use
23 Undefined line number
24 Break
25 Cannot continue
26 File or dir not found
Page 32 TsrBasic Reference Manual
27 Assignment to constant
28 Cannot locate tsrbasic
29 i/o error
30 DOS is busy
31 Missing END IF
32 Cannot load GRAPHICS.DLL
33 Floating point exception
34 Missing THEN
35 Use of keyword as variable
36 Graphics error
37 Cannot terminate TSR
Appendix D. Keyboard Scan Codes
The following table lists the key and the corresonding scan code,
in decimal (and in parenthesis). Note that some keys, such as
control and shift cannot be processed by getkey and inkey.
a (30) k (37) u (22)
b (48) l (38) v (47)
c (46) m (50) w (17)
d (32) n (49) x (45)
e (18) o (24) y (21)
f (33) p (25) z (44)
g (34) q (16)
h (35) r (19)
i (23) s (31)
j (36) t (20)
1 (2) 5 (6) 9 (10)
2 (3) 6 (7) 0 (11)
3 (4) 7 (8)
4 (5) 8 (9)
Function Keys
f1 (59) f5 (63) f9 (67)
f2 (60) f6 (64) f10 (68)
f3 (61) f7 (65)
f4 (62) f8 (66)
TsrBasic Reference Manual Page 33
Special Keys
alt (56) equals (13) page down (81)
arrow down (80) enter (28) page up (73)
arrow left (75) escape (1) period (52)
arrow right (77) home (71) prt sc / * (55)
arrow up (72) insert (82) right bracket (27)
back quote (41) keypad + (78) right shift (54)
back space (14) keypad - (74) semicolon (39)
back slash (43) keypad 5 (76) scroll lock (70)
caps lock (58) keypad enter (78) single quote (40)
comma (51) left bracket (26) slash (53)
control (29) left shift (42) space (57)
delete (83) minus (12) tab (15)
end (79) num lock (69)
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